The Guardian today uncovers secret notes between Churchill and the his cabinet on the thorny issue of race and immigration.
Churchill says "Problems will arise if many coloured people settle here. Are we to saddle ourselves with colour problems in UK? Attracted by Welfare State. Public opinion in UK won't tolerate it once it gets beyond certain limits."
In considering quotas Cabinet Secretary, Sir Norman Brook, says that there is a good case for excluding 'riff-raff'.
Shut your eyes and you can almost hear Patrick Mercer.
Patrick Mercer, stressed he always "came down hard" on racist bullying when he came across it and when it did occur he "absolutely jumped on it".
However, he also said he had been reporting what he had seen going on in the Army and what he had seen going on in the Army was: "If someone is slow on the assault course, you'd get people shouting come on you fat bastard, come on you ginger bastard, come on you black bastard."
Mr Mercer appeared to suggest being called a "black bastard" was a normal part of Army life and therefore not something that he would “absolutely jumped on", conceivably because he said he had met "a lot" of "idle and useless" ethnic minority soldiers who used racism as a "cover".
We also need to remember this all came about after Patrick Mercer gave an interview to Times Online about a new anti-racism trade union set up for soldiers. Asked about the anti-racism trade union, Mr Mercer replied "Absolute nonsense. Complete and utter rot."
Perhaps, Mr Mercer’s real point of view is, one does not allow, an anti-racism trade union set up for a lot of "idle and useless" ethnic minority soldiers who used racism as a "cover".
Patrick Mercer was rightly returned to the backbenches for his cold indifference the very same cold indifference shown towards the parents of the 16 children slaughtered in the Dunblane Primary School massacre. Patrick Mercer; also called the ban on handguns after the Dunblane massacre "nonsense".
Amusingly; he accused the Times of putting an "extremely mendacious angle" on his comments which is rather hypocritical because the honourable Des Browne said to the much vaunted Newark MP: “It does a distinct disservice to those troops who are carrying out this work bravely, competently and successfully in Afghanistan for the hon. Gentleman and others constantly to peddle dishonesties about what is happening out there.”
Indeed this was never about Mercer’s freedom of speech; it was however, about his insensitivity and lack of respect towards those that are suffering (Army etc.) and perhaps it could be said that Mercer is a detached hardliner man, aspiring to great heights; loving duty more than humanity and entirely filled with crocodile tears.
Or, he's just a bigoted twat.
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