Wednesday, January 10, 2007

For Fox Sake!

Dr Liam Fox, the erstwhile Conservative Party Shadow Defence Secretary has dropped a bit of a blooper. He made comments alluding to the participation of Poland and Hungary in NATO. Apparently they don't spend enough on defence and therefore are reneging on a NATO commitment ergo they should be expelled.

Now we shall for a minute ignore Dr Fox's lack of geo-political nous and concentrate instead on a different course of action for the Conservative government to espouse. Why not have Britain leave NATO and join in a a bilateral pact with yours truly and the People's Republic of China. We've got the armed forces and all the weapons you could need; and as long as you turn a blind eye when we nuke Taiwan everything will be hunky-dory.

Liam, baby, me love you long time.


Anonymous said...

Is David Cameron not a little to the left on social policy for the Chinese Government.

Just think what it will do for Britain's space programme which announced this morning that we will be on the moon before the end of the decade.

Madame Mao said...

Personally, I'd be happy to put David Cameron on the moon and leave him there.

What the f%&k do we want to go back to the moon for anyway. It's a barren wasteland with no people, no flora or fauna and distinctly lacking in either amenities or atmosphere.

I've only got to go to Mongolia for that.