Tuesday, March 13, 2007

More beauty competitions

Like any good communist Madame Mao denounces the modern trend of adapting policy to fit populist agendas or the fetishism of polling data.

There is no linkage, therefore, between the fact that, according to Blogspot statistics, Madame Mao's page loads went through the roof following the announcement of the winner of the Miss Atom 2007 and my new found interest in the Russian Army's own beauty contest.

Here's a pic of last year's finalists (the winner is on the back row second on the left).

The Chinese Communist Party has, since it's inception, encouraged women to play their role in the front line of the people's struggle. In fact it was in the midst of shelling from nationalist and Japanese troops in 1937 that the Chairman picked me out of all those other bitches in Ya'an.

During that period the Soviet Union failed in it's duty to emancipate women comrades and shall be remembered ever thus. It shames me now that in a time when we can find hot chicks to recruit into the infantry and the industrial military complex we can't find a decent pair of boots.

Thank fuck they don't have to take on G.I. Joe across the plains of Central Europe if this is what they're wearing. Chechnya, however, is a muddy shithole most times of the year.

No luck, sister.

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